Fri May 20, 2022

Connie Lopez is currently the Northern California Clinical Practice Consultant for the Regional Risk Management and Patient Safety team supporting perinatal and pediatric patient safety programs. She has 10 years’ experience leading Kaiser Permanente’s National Risk Education and Healthcare Simulation Programs and 17 years’ experience researching and implementing interactive educational programs in the clinical setting focused on improving the teamwork and communication of practicing clinicians. Connie has presented perinatal, patient safety and simulation related topics nationally and internationally over the past 13 years.  She is a member of the Association for Nursing Professional Development, the Association of Women’s Health Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare and has chaired educational events at both national and international conferences. Connie holds several leadership positions including faculty for the California Simulation Alliance, Board Member At-Large for the Society for Simulation in Healthcare and Chair for an international National Patient Safety Advisory Board.