Seven regional collaboratives have been established around the state. Click the link below to view a map of the regions:
CSA Regional Collaboratives – Regions Map
Orange County Simulation Collaborative (Coming Soon)
Dr. Jocelyn Ludlow at UCI is leading this effort. If you live in the OC and want to get involved with this new regional collaborative, contact Jocelyn at:
Rural North Area Simulation Collaborative (RNASC)
The RNASC includes simulation centers located from Sacramento to the Oregon Border, and from the Sierra Nevada mountains to the Pacific Ocean. The RNASC meets twice a year in April and October. Each meeting highlights a member simulation center, provides technical training, showcases new equipment available for simulation and includes time for networking, questions and resource sharing. The Rural Northern California Clinical Simulation Center (Rural SimCenter) is located in Chico and hosts these meetings. The Rural SimCenter was recently accredited by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and offers simulation educator training, including team training options, on a regular basis.
Find out more about the Rural SimCenter here
RNASC Contact: Becky Damazo:
Capital Area Simulation Collaborative (CASC)
The CASC is committed to providing a network of support for interprofessional simulation learning to service partners and academia in and around the greater Sacramento area. The CASC hosts quarterly meetings that provide opportunities for research sharing, technical training, showcasing of new simulation equipment, and networking. CASC aims to bring best practice and innovative approaches to simulation facilitators.
Service organizations represented in the CASC: Kaiser Roseville, Kaiser South Sacramento, Commonspirit: Mercy Hospital Folsom, Mercy General Hospital, Mercy San Juan Hospital, Methodist Hospital, Sutter Medical Center Sacramento, UC Davis Medical Center, Woodland Healthcare, Shriners, and Veterans Hospital Sacramento.
Academic organizations represented in the CASC: Carrington College, CSU Sacramento School of Nursing, Delta Community College, Kaplan University, Los Rios Community College, North State School of Pharmacy, Sacramento City College, Samuel Merritt (Sacramento campus), Sierra Community College, University of Pacific Sacramento Campus, and UC Davis School of Nursing and Yuba College.
CASC Contacts: Chair: Malia La Vallee at / Co-Chair: Laura Bower at / Secretary: Jenn Edwards at
Bay Area Simulation Collaborative (BASC)
The Bay Area Simulation Collaborative (BASC) is comprised of representatives from schools of nursing and hospitals in the ten Bay Area counties. HealthImpact and the California Simulation Alliance (CSA) provide leadership for the BASC and is one of seven regional simulation collaboratives in California.
The BASC was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2006 and developed as a regional demonstration model and has been replicated in various regions of the state and around the country. Our primary goal is to have a forum to share academic and service simulation best practices and support each other in our journey to utilize simulation for Evidenced Based Practice educational outcomes.
We meet quarterly via zoom and encourage all academic and welcome all service nursing/ancillary professional development staff, educators and simulation staff.
For more information, contact the BASC Co-Chairs: Lisa Sabatini at or Kellie Allen
Central Valley Simulation Collaborative (CVSC)
The Central Valley Simulation Collaborative (CVSC) was formed in 2009 and spans from Stanislaus to Bakersfield.
Our Vision: Promote the incorporation of simulation into healthcare with the intention of improve the safety and quality of patient care.
Our Goal: Sustain a simulation network that shares knowledge, experience, innovative ideas and material from those who have attended conferences, workshops and/or training.
Meetings: Due to the large region that the collaborative covers, the group meets twice a year.
Membership: We actively promote a multidisciplinary membership recognizing interprofessional teams that provide patient care and who train together in simulation. There are no requirements to join and no fees to pay.
Invitation: Anyone interested in simulation from anywhere – California and beyond!
CVSC Contacts: Marie Gilbert: or Kim Bilskey:
Inland Empire Simulation Collaborative (IESC)
The IESC was launched in the fall of 2011. There are many organizations within this area who develop and facilitate simulation based learning activities within their programs and institutions, including hospital-based systems and educational institutions. The purpose of the IESC is to provide valuable resources to these individuals and organizations. The IESC was revitalized in November 2015 after a meeting at California Baptist University hosted by the College of Nursing. The IESC meets every 3-months, if you would like to become involved in the IESC, and or attend one of the meetings please contact us for the current schedule.
IESC Contacts: Sarah E Pearce:
Southern California Simulation Collaborative (SCSC)
The SCSC was developed with leadership provided by CINHC, supported with initial funding from the Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit Grants Program in 2009. The SCSC built upon the learnings and success of the BASC funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and provides a regional mechanism to facilitate networking and support collaboration in the advancement of simulation practices in Los Angeles and the five surrounding county areas.
The SCSC consists of several hundred service and academic simulation enthusiasts in the greater Los Angeles area and beyond. We include clinicians, academics, sim op specialists and techs from the area. We typically meet quarterly at different sim centers throughout the region (February, May, September and November). We share research and best practices as well as offer support to one another. There are no dues or commitments to belong to the group other than an interest in simulation. We have offered several local inexpensive debriefing workshops with funding from the Health Workforce Initiative. If you would like to join one of our meetings or be added to our mailing list please contact Russell Metcalfe-Smith at
SCSC Contacts: Russell Metcalfe-Smith:
San Diego Simulation Collaborative (SDSC)
The SDSC includes hospitals and schools within the surrounding San Diego region. Meetings are hosted by the University of San Diego Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science. Attendees are representatives from both service and academia. A survey is being developed to send to all 60+ members to determine specific needs and goals.
SDSC Contacts: Lisa Sheehan: