The scenarios listed below are scenarios that have been developed, validated and tested by CSA subject matter experts. QSEN and TeamSTEPPS competencies have been integrated in all scenarios where appropriate. Scenarios are to be used by subscribers only. Log in to download. If you are considering becoming a subscriber and would like to view a sample scenario, please contact Alexandra Duke, CSA Manager & Faculty at (The distribution and reproduction of these scenarios is prohibited.)
Ambulatory Care
- Clinic- Hypoglycemia 46 years
- Hospice- Terminal Agitation
- Clinic- At Risk Transgender
- Clinic- ID Non-Transgender
- Clinic- Culturally Insensitive Care
- Clinic- Gender Dysphoria
Critical Care
- Acute Respiratory Failure
- Heart Failure (Basic)
- Heart Failure (FV Overload)
- Septic Shock
- Symptomatic Bradycardia
Implicit Bias
- Implicit Bias Microaggression Scenario
- Implicit Bias OB Scenario
- Implicit Bias Substance Use Disorder
- Implicit Bias Weight Stigma/Linguistic Competency
- Implicit Bias Transgender
- Abd Pelvis Pain in Transgender Patient
- At-Risk Transgender Patient
- Clinic ID Non-Transgender Patient
- Culturally Insensitive Care
- Gender Dysphoria
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case A
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case B DVT
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case C Bladder Retention
- Peri-Operative Malignant Hyperthermia
- Authentic Leadership
- Communication
- Gravitas
- Influence
- Integrity
- Lateral Violence
- Listening
- Problem Solving
- Teamwork
- Case A- Fetal Distress- Novice
- Case B- Normal Delivery- Novice
- Case C- Post Partum Hemm- Novice
- Eclampsia- Adv
- High Regional Block- Adv
- Postpartum Hemm- Adv
- Postpartum Home Visit
- Prolapsed Cord Perinatal- Adv
- Shoulder Dystocia- Adv
Emergency Department
- Management of Pediatric Foreign Body Asp
- Management of Blunt Chest Trauma
- Urosepsis
- Abd Pelvis Pain in Transgender Patient
Fundamentals in Nursing
- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction- Age 30
- GI Bleed- Aspiration Precautions- Age 40
- General Safety- Confusion- Age 78
- General Safety- Pneumonia- Age 68
- Post-Op Assessment Case A- ALOC- Age 65
- Post-Op Assessment Case B- Pain Management- Age 65
- Post-Op Assessment Case C- Respiratory Depression- Age 65
- Skin Assessment in Elderly Patient- Age 82
Family Nurse Practitioner
- Assessment: Sex Trafficking
Medical- Surgical
- ACS Case A- Chest Pain
- ACS Case B- VTach, Hypokalemia
- ACS Case C- Prep for Cardiac Intervention
- ACS Case D- Discharge Teaching
- Acute Brain Attack
- Acute Ischemic Stroke (IPE)
- Acute Asthmatic Attack (IPE)
- Alcohol Withdrawal in Schizophrenia
- Blood Transfusion Reaction- Anaphylaxis
- Blood Transfusion Reaction- Febrile/ Hemolytic
- Cellulitis- IV Meds
- Chemo Induced Neutropenia
- Chest Pain Assessment- PT with Cellulitis
- Code Blue- Post-Op Colectomy
- Community Acquired Pneumonia Case A- Respiratory Distress
- Community Acquired Pneumonia Case B- Allergic Reaction
- Ethical Dilemma
- Fluid Volume Overload- Post-Op Mastectomy
- Gastro Intestinal Bleed Case A- Asp. Prec.
- Gastro Intestinal Bleed Case B
- Heart Failure
- Hypoglycemic Reaction- Post-Op
- Pain Management- Post-Op
- Respiratory Depression- Post-Op TKR
- Sepsis- Early Recognition
- Smoke Inhalation Case A- Chest Pain
- Smoke Inhalation Case B- Full Code
- Stroke- Swallow Deficit (IPE)
- Total Hip Replacement- DVT
- Urosepsis- Geri
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case A
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case B DVT
- Chest Trauma Transgender Case C Bladder Retention
- COVID-19 Pneumonia
- NEW ~ Bronchiolitis-4 mo
- NEW ~ Dehydration- Social Issues-4 mo
- NEW ~ Respiratory Distress, Code-4 mo
- NEW ~ Foreign Body Aspiration-3 yr
- NEW ~ Post-Op-Heel Cord Length-Case A-Assess-5
- NEW ~ Post-Op-Heel Cord Length-Case B-Seizure-5
- NEW ~ Post-Op-LapAppy-6 yr
- NEW ~ Sepsis-Meningitis-Case A-8 yr
- NEW ~ Sepsis-Meningitis-Case B-8 yr
- NEW ~ Sepsis-Meningitis-Case C-8 yr
- NEW ~ School Nurse-Asthma-5 yr
- NEW ~ School Nurse-Seizure-8 yr
- NEW ~ School Nurse-Seizure-12 yr
- NEW ~ School Nurse-Hypoglycemia-12 yr
- NEW ~ School Nurse-Hyperglycemia-13 yr
- Management of High Regional Block
- Management of Pediatric- Foreign Body Aspiration
- Management of Blunt Chest Trauma- Adult
- Acute Ischemic Stroke
- Acute Asthmatic Attack
- Stroke/Swallow Deficit
- Early Mobility in the Intensive Care Unit Status Post Lumbar L4/L5 Fracture
CSA White Papers
- White Paper: Value of Simulation
- White Paper: Simulation During COVID-19
- Position Statement: Support of Maximized Utilization of Healthcare Simulation to Provide High-Quality Clinical Hours in Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Education
Tools and Templates
- IP Release Form
- Scenario Validation Checklist
- CSA Sim Scenario Template
- CSA Sim Leadership Scenario Template
- CSA Sim Storyboard Sample
- CSA Abbrev Template
- Apprentice Application